Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Response to 96 Acres Article on "Incarceration with Radical Art".

My response to the article on 96 acres is due to the satisfaction I received why'll attending the 96 acres (Prison Neighborhood Arts Project). I really appreciate the work that Maria Gaspar does along with her team. I think its important to have the community in the west side of Chicago be involved in this project because they are impacted by it. When I attended the event, on September 12th, I was interviewed by 96 acres. The question that stood out to me was when they asked me, how do you feel about people living in a community with the largest prison in the country being next to there homes? I hesitated when answering because I don't know how that feels, but I pictured what it would be like, walking or driving passed cook county jail everyday. I realized that probably would make me feel like there's nothing out there for me, I would feel hopeless about my future. I think it's a negative impact living next to cook county jail.

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