Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Human Memory

The article on memory made me question a lot of things like why we dream what we dream, or why we remember some things and not others. How some people can remember so much and others forget what happened yesterday. Sacks talks about how our thoughts and ideas may not be entirely ours, but they are the ideas and thoughts of others. I found that very interesting because I am inspired by the things I learn everyday, whether it comes from a movie, fashion, a book. I can say I've felt that I experienced something I haven't actually experienced like Sacks mentions in the article. This experience is one many refer to as "deja vu" I often feel as if what I am currently living already happened in the past, and sometimes I question if it was a dream I had why'll sleeping or a thought.

The video on Joshua Foer talked about ways to train our brain to memorize more information, and it's  interesting because I find myself doing that when studying for an exam. I relate the boring information I have to remember for a class with fun and familiar information. It is something I began doing after being taught at an early age, like the order of operations method we probably all learned at one point P.E.M.D.A.S. The video also explained how even though technology is very significant in our society today, it made us lazy because we don't need to remember a lot of information anymore. Also how today people forget the importance of memorizing information, and it made me understand how much it matters to be able to identify a face for the law enforcement field. Training our brain is significantly important because other peoples lives depend on it.

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