Monday, September 14, 2015

Prison Neighborhood Arts Project Event

Personally, I was very excited to attend this event because Iv'e learned many things about Cook County Jail. The most important fact I learned is that Cook County is one of the most populated County jails in the United States. I think this movement that 96 acres is doing is great, I think everyone that is interested in making there communities a better place should be involved in this type of event. Especially those like myself who pursuit a career in law enforcement. The main purpose of being in the field is to help the community be safe, to minimize the incarceration of the people in the community. To be able to sit on the other side of the wall of the jail and hear the story of an inmate that was previously incarcerated on the other side of that wall was fascinating. 96 acres had a brilliant vision on how to present the art animation and I was glad to be able to attend the presentation. The first project showed the letters between the previous inmate Jose at cook county and his daughter Melissa. The animation shared the thoughts and feelings of Melissa ,what she was going through during these letters. It explains how not only the incarcerated suffers but how much the families, and community is affected. Whenever we hear a story we always want it to end in a nice way, in this case it was disapointing to hear that Melissa had to bury her mother from overdose caused by her depression that her father caused from doing time in prison. It was heartbreaking to know that even though her father was released he only wrote to her why'll incarcerated but after he was released he was deported and she never heard back from him again. I realized that the person that was mostly affected by the jail was Melissa, the importance of this movement is to prevent stories like this from happening and to instead create happy endings for the community.

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