Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Reflection on Documentary

Movies are so entertaining to watch, the idea of watching a story makes me feel like I'm apart of the story sometimes. I find myself arguing with the characters inside the screen as if they could hear me. Documentaries happened to be one of my top favorite kind of stories to watch. The fact that documentaries are based strictly on historical events and topics that are real is very intriguing to me. I scrolled down on my watched list on Netflix and realized that I watch nothing but crime and action related movies. This assignment was definitely pleasurable for me I think the hardest thing was finding something to write about, I couldn't decide on a film they all interest me. However I had to make a choice and I decided to go with Cocaine Cowboys, I think the war on drugs is an issue we have had for such a long time that I wanted to refresh my memory on that topic. Cocaine Cowboys is given the title for the extreme violence against the Colombian Cartel and there rivals due to the competition of sales on cocaine. It was said to be the most violent time in history in America comparable to the prohibition era in Chicago and the wild wild west in Dodge city. Cocaine Cowboys explains the ups and downs of the economy in Miami due to the high impact of cocaine, it talks about the violence between the cartel leader and anyone that got in her way. The violence between the community caused by the cuban immigrants and the cocaine users in the city. There is no doubt that Miami suffered from many loses of money, jobs, and lives but the fact is that Miami turned out to be a succesful place. The city couldn't have made it without the drug wars, drug money, and the story it left. Documentaries like this one are very resourceful for law enforcement students I think it gives us the right kind of knowledge on different topics that we will deal with on a day to day basis. It allows us to view situations and analyze the story to make a conclusion on what is right and wrong. That is something we will be facing everyday, in our careers by working with the same kind of stories.

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